

Current Issue

Canadian Slavonic Papers

Special Issue: War against Ukraine: language, culture, and media

Guest editors' introduction: War against Ukraine: language, culture, and media

Alla Nedashkivska, Holger Kusse & Beatrix Kress

Russian political and media discourses

Verbal armament and the demonic: Putin’s rhetorical preparation for war

Holger Kusse

“Kyiv regime,” “junta,” “neo-Nazis,” “ethnic Jew”: discursive derogation of Ukrainian authorities and enemy-other constructions in Vladimir Putin’s speeches

Olga Mennecke

Media, politics, and scandal: public scandal as preparation for war

Beatrix Kress

(De)legitimization strategies of Russia’s war against Ukraine: a case study of Russian television programs

Magdalena Kaltseis

Prime-time Solov′ev: rhetorical strategies of a wartime propagandist

Michael Gorham

Language discourses and language attitudes in Ukraine

Language activism and the power of language in Ukraine during the war (2022–23)

Alla Nedashkivska

Charting language shift through Ukraine’s social media actors

Daria Orobchuk

War in Popular Culture

Documenting war in Ukrainian comics: shifting from soldiers to civilians

Svitlana Pidoprygora

Changing motifs in digital folklore characters of the Russo-Ukrainian War

Oleksandr Pankieiev


Witnessing the war in Ukraine in 2022: documentary initiatives and oral history

Natalia Khanenko-Friesen


Critical representation of the clerical milieu in the era of Russian Great Reforms (1860s–1870s): a starting point for reforms or condemnation?

Marta Łukaszewicz

The prophet on trial: Baptist dissenters before the Soviet courts, 1960s–1980s

Olena Panych

Optique de la guerre dans Cassandre de Lesâ Ukraïnka

Svitlana Macenka, Diana Melnyk, Yaryna Tarasyuk & Sofiya Varetska


A roundtable on Ann Komaromi’s Soviet Samizdat: Imagining a New Society

Rolf Hellebust, Allan Reid, Juliane Fürst, Kevin Platt & Ann Komaromi

Book Reviews


From internationalism to postcolonialism: literature and cinema between the Second and Third Worlds, by Rossen Djagalov

Mollie Arbuthnot

Makhno and memory: anarchist and Mennonite narratives of Ukraine’s civil war, 1917–1921, by Sean Patterson

Vladimir Maltsev


RHaunted dreams: fantasies of adolescence in post-Soviet culture, by Jenny Kaminer

Erin Collopy

The Slovak question: a transatlantic perspective, 1914–1948, by Michael R. Cude

Stanislav J. Kirschbaum

Unsettled heritage: living next to Poland’s material Jewish traces after the Holocaust, by Yechiel Weizman

Lukasz Kryzanowski


The Soviet Jewish bookshelf: Jewish culture and identity between the lines, by Marat Grinberg

Gennady Estraikh

Tamizdat: Contraband Russian Literature in the Cold War Era, by Yasha Kolts

Philip Tuxbury-Gleissner

My life in fragments, by Zygmunt Buaman, edited by Izabela Wagner

Alexei Kojevnikov

The Fourth of August regime and Greek Jewry 1936–1941, by Katerina Lagos

Nikos Marantzidis

Water, whiskey, and vodka: the story of Slavic languages, by Danko Šipka

Olga M. Mladenova

Ryszard Kapuściński: biography of a writer, by Beata Nowacka and Zygmunt Ziątek

Krzysztof Rowiński

Post-Euromaidan Ukraine: domestic power struggles and war of national survival in 2014–2023, by Bohdan Harasymiw

Peter H. Solomon Jr.

The atrocity of hunger: starvation in the Warsaw, Łódź, and Kraków ghettos during World War II, by Helene J. Sinnreich

Piotr J. Wróbel

Christian supremacy: reckoning with the roots of antisemitism and racism, edited by Magda Teter

Piotr J. Wróbel


Law, visual culture, and the show trial, by Agata Fijalkowski

Ewa Stańczyk