


Benefits of membership

  • annual subscription to Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue canadienne des slavistes, the official organ of the Canadian Association of Slavists. CSP/RCS is devoted to problems of central and eastern Europe. It is a forum for scholars from a range of disciplines: language and linguistics, literature, history, political science, sociology, economics, anthropology, geography, and the arts. This is the only interdisciplinary scholarly outlet for Slavists in Canada and one of the major journals in the field internationally.  Members are entitled to receive both a hard copy of the journal and electronic access.
  • eligibility to submit manuscripts to Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue canadienne des slavistes for possible publication.
  • subscription to the annual CAS Newsletter, featuring news about members’ activities.
  • subscription to the CSP/RCS e-mail listserv, which provides news and information to members throughout the year.
  • access for graduate student members to the Graduate Student Corner.
  • eligibility to participate in our annual conference, held in conjunction with the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences’ annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • Reduced registration fees for the annual conference.

Members may also join our affiliated association, the Canadian Association of Ukrainian Studies.

Membership Fees

2025 Membership fees are as follows:

Members in Canada
(Payable in Canadian Dollars)

Canadian Regular $90
Canadian Joint *$155
Canadian Emeritus $50
Student / Under-employed $40
Canadian Life $1000
Canadian Joint Life $1725
Dual CAS and CAUS:*** 
Regular $110
Emeritus $60
Under-employed $50
Student $45

Members outside Canada**
(Payable in US Dollars)

Foreign Regular $90
Foreign Joint * $155
Foreign Emeritus $50
Foreign Student / Under-employed $40
Foreign Life $1000
Foreign Joint Life $1725
Dual CAS and CAUS:***  
Regular $110
Emeritus $60
Under-employed $50
Student $45

*Two members receive a single copy of Canadian Slavonic Papers.

**Colleagues and graduate students from eastern Europe, please contact our editorial office about possible discounts before paying at Thank you.

***Dual membership in the CAS and the CAUS (the Canadian Association for Ukrainian Studies) provides all of the above benefits, in addition to an annual subscription to East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies. Please add $20 (regular) / $5 (student) / $10 (Emeritus/Under-employed) in Canada / US $20 (regular) / $5 (student) / $10 (Emeritus/Under-employed) to your CAS membership dues.

NEW in 2025 – “Sustaining member” add-on. CAS and CAUS welcome voluntary payments in excess of any membership category fee, to support the work of our Associations. If you would like to do so, please use the CAS Membership Form below, and get in touch with our editorial office for payment options.

If you would prefer to pay by cheque, please download and complete the CAS Membership Form linked below.

English                      Français

Please send completed forms along with payment to the address provided.